Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sha boob ee .....shaboopee

I have carved the deepest lines into the Rosetta stone of my life. Life has given me many tools with which to order reality. I have developed within me natural understandings of simple systems and how to apply them to more complex episodes.
these lines appear to look as haphazard as my attempts at cartooning or gesture drawing. My art is my eye. My hands understand techniques. I am ridiculously adept at replication. I draw with an excellent hand when showing complex structures. I can analyze technique and repeat it. Yet I am impossibly inept at drawing your picture, without taking way too much time for a real artist. As far as most other" artists" go I am not one of them by their standards, but theirs is not my impetus one way or the other. I respect certain of artists and theirs is the only respect I appreciate and when working cultivate.
The culture as it is is defeated in it's superfluous frolic. Fucking nuts.
The storm of political correctness is so overwhelming, so methodical. Each new law that results from thin skin, and fear makes this extraordinary period of man refusing his built in intuition, in favor of laws that tell us we can't call a spade a spade,or an asshole an asshole,without reprisal that comes from without the situation, rather than from within.

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