Monday, May 17, 2010

Tomorrow's come a long long way to help you.

It's your Saving Grace. Steve Miller March 1970
What a line, what a grace. I have been feeling the weight of the world, and I had almost been defeated, but for a lass that gives me a kick in the pants, and then a Mothers healing kisses, and a lovers defiant allegiance.
Even though I have gained little purchase in my quicksand economic state I have been a graced with a lift of heart that gives me the ability to live beneath the deepest rubble.
She loves me still.

1 comment:

Dr. Capt. Stownwhal Jaxson said...

Hey, I found your blog by searching for "9/11 conspiracy theories." I think you might like these two posts on my blog where I make 9/11 conspiracy theory jokes similar to the posters/t-shirts on your website.
The posts are:

Feel free to comment, I dont have moderation turned on.

Audie Dayton